New Books from Sally Hogshead and Eric Karjaluoto

Our friend Sally Hogshead has recently released a new book called "Fascinate" which she calls the most powerful way to influence decision-making. It’s more persuasive than marketing, advertising, or any other form of communication. And it all starts with seven universal triggers of fascination: power, lust, mystique, alarm, prestige, vice, and trust.

She's also giving away a free copy of her prior book, "Radical Careering", which discusses ideas on creativity and your career bite-sized nuggets. Here are a few examples:
* Nº 12: Luck is for wimps.
* Nº 67: Mistakes are tuition.
* Nº 46: Money follows great work, not the other way around.

Another amigo, Eric Karjaluoto is also giving away his book, "Speak Human". He'll be posting the book over the next few months, one chapter at a time. He says "the message in it is important, and I want people to read it, whether they drop $20 for it or not."

The book focuses on small business and the importance of differentiating, maintaining authenticity and transparency, adaptation, and fostering relationships instead of simply selling. It contains many stories that are practical and sometimes personal. The book is about finding your own voice (not following the path of the "big dogs"), articulating it clearly and using it to connect with your customers.

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