New Coke / Coca-Cola Classic - Two Bears (Jim McMahon & Refrigerator Perry)

Celebrity American football players down Coca-colas in a diner. Both Coca Cola classic, and new Coke.

New Coke & Coca Cola Classic

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Anonymous Adgrunt's picture
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Mets82's picture

Remember how popular William Perry and Jim McMahon in the 80s.

Mets82's picture

Oh I forgot, remember how popular New Coke was back in the 80s. I mean New Coke was a big deal in the 80s. Where is New Coke now?

tod.brody's picture

Exactly where the Coca-Cola company always wanted it to be.

Andreas-Udd's picture

Didn't Coke say that they weren't that stupid, or that smart (I'm paraphrasing).

KevinF's picture

Haha got to keep a lot of coke in the refrigerator

Dabitch's picture

That is the worst namejoke ever.