Old Spice - Different Scents for Different gents - (2009) :30 (USA)

Manly men ski, golf, lift weights and hang around in leather recliners. Love the touch of the disembodied nose floating around at the end.

Ad agency: Weiden + Kennedy (Portland)
Production Company: MJZ, Los Angeles
Director : Tom Kuntz
Salvatore Totino (DoP)
Mark Fitzloff, Susan Hoffman (Executive Creative Director)
Jason Bagley, Eric Baldwin (Creative Director)
Craig Allen (Art Director)
Eric Kallman (Copywriter)
Gavin Cutler (Editor)
Ben Grylewicz (Agency Executive Producer)
Andres Murillo (Agency Producer)
Jeff Scruton (Executive Producer)
Scott Kaplan (Producer)
FX: The Mill, LA

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