Other Side - I LUV Justin Bieber - (2010)

Phoenix Ogilvy presents the other side of the agency at the Barefoot Gallery in Colombo on the 28th & 29th of August 2010.

It's a celebration of out-of-the-box installations, sculptures, paintings & photography.

Agency: Phoenix Ogilvy, Colombo Sri Lanka
Creatives: Sujoy Roy, Ransley Burrows, David Blacker, Asif Ansar
Director: Dilon de Silva
A/V Manager: Misha Wickramanayake
Production: X 10 Pvt Ltd
Cast: Randeew Wijesekara, Theekshani Ekanayake, Sherry Asmone, Sajith Baddewithana, Sampath Kumara, Lakshman Natarajan, Asif Ansar, Naushika Perera, Lakmina Ranasinghe, Prasad Edirisinghe.
Account Servicing: Chamari Nanayakkara

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