Peta into recycling, rerun naked pregnant women protest outside of naked chef's restaurant

PETA are into recycling now, or simply running short on shocking ideas involving nude women. They staged a naked protest outside the naked chef's restaurant, with pregnant women caged in the same cages that pigs live in their entire lives.
So why is Jamie a target? Because he's encouraging people to "save our bacon" by buying British pig meat .

Now, we know that Jamie is aware of the horrors behind factory farming in Europe (he even has a campaign against it), but we're hoping he'll realize the obvious: That the best way to stop cruelty to animals is to stop eating animals—including British ones. Good thing we've got friends in the U.K. who are only too happy to educate Mr. Oliver on the horrors of all factory farms.

So the refreshing new twist here is that PETA are attacking allies, since Jamie is for the humane treatment of animals that become food - BBC reports:

The spokesman for the chef said: "They do seem to be protesting against somebody who is trying to help the situation.
"In the programme we never said that the British pig farming industry is completely whiter than white, we did a very balanced programme."

Adgrunts will remember that they did this already last year on mothers day. Reruns are in!

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Byronik's picture

I think she's hot.

Hygge's picture

Would have been better without the tape covering some parts... :-p

Andressa's picture

Looks like the protest was succesfull, but why o why do they have to put a pregnant woman, just to chock people ...