Phonehacking & Twitter killed - Sunday is to be the last edition of News of the World

No sooner had I finished reading News of the World pulls all ads after client exodus at BrandRepublic when twitter went nuts with the news that News Of The World is no more. The NOTW tag has gems from all major newspapers and journalists:

Sean O'Neill

BREAKING - James Murdoch: "This Sunday will be the last issue of the News of the World." #notw

The Guardian:

Atmosphere in the newsroom is pretty frenzied. Much milling about, even some jogging. #NotW #jawsdropping

esther addley

Good point. Worth sacrificing the Screws if you can keep the Sky deal?? RT @meropemills: Is #NOTW Murdoch's sacrificial lamb for BskyB?

James Ball

News Corp wins big here: lots of layoffs with no hope of public sympathy, then cost-saving 7-day operation. Murdoch is SHARP. #RIPNoTW

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