Pottery Barn partnered with Jazz Jennings reading a story of a transgender-identifying child for kids, reaps backlash

Pottery Barn teens is going all out for pride month, partnering with Jazz.
Jazz Jennings is arguably the most famous transgender-identifying male in the world, having grown up in front of TV cameras in the long-running reality show "I am Jazz" on TLC. Jazz published a book about a transgender-identifying child called "I am Jazz" in 2014, which Jazz is reading from in this Pottery Barn teens Instagram video that went up yesterday.

The Instagram post has 360 likes, and 894 comments at the time of this writing, and the comments are overwehlmingly negative.

Jennings who socially transitioned at the age of 3 and is now 22 has had health issues after having transgender surgery, which began when he was still a minor, and has undergone a total of three “corrective” surgeries.

Many commenters on the post promise to never shop at Pottery Barn again.

"NOOOOOOOOOOO😩😩😩😩 ugh PB I spent thousand$$$$ with y’all. Not anymore. 😩"

So sad. Been a patron of PB for almost 2 decades. Now you’re pushing an agenda & I’m out. 😢 Bye 👋

"Not pottery barn too. What is going on. Stop pushing this on our kids"

A company named "peasproutkids" has joined in as a reply to the comment asking for alternatives: "Can anyone here suggest other quality kids stores besides PBK? Thank you!!", stating "@peasproutkids for clothing, gifts, accessories and books! We would love to have you shop with us!" - what should we call this marketing tactic? Sharketing? As soon as there's a scent of blood in the comments-water, join in and get your name out there?

Pottery Barn's website currently offers customers the opportunity to purchase an LGBT-themed mug and a doormat featuring a rainbow design. A portion of the proceeds from these purchases is allocated to the Trevor Project, an organization dedicated to supporting children who are socially transitioning and undergoing transgender procedures.

In light of recent events, Pottery Barn's decision to promote Jennings is notable. It comes in the wake of significant backlash faced by Bud Light, following its collaboration with trans-identified activist Dylan Mulvaney. Additionally, some customers expressed their dissatisfaction by boycotting Target after it began selling female swimwear described as "tuck-friendly."

As a result of its partnership with Mulvaney, Bud Light has experienced a significant decline in sales. Likewise, Target's market capitalization has reportedly decreased by approximately $13 billion.

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