Powerball - High-five / Winning happens 3 - (2014) :30 (New Zealand)

The man on a high five race around the world is still at it. Just like in high five #1 and Wining happens #2, the high fives get a wee bit nuttier each time. Until we finally high five a baby in a womb.

Advertising Agency: DDB, New Zealand
Director: Paul Middleditch
Executive Creative Director: Andy Fackrell
Creative Director: Shane Bradnick
Creatives: Adam Barnes, James O'Sullivan, Ben Pegler
Executive Producers: Peter Masterton, Judy Thompson
Business Directors: Greg Jones, Nikki McKelvie
DoP: Daniel Ardilley
Sound Design: The Coopers
Account Director: Charlie Stow
Post production: Method Studios
Agency Producer: Samantha Meehan
Editor: David Whittaker
Account manager: Nick Dellabarca
Head of Production: Megan Ayers
Head of Planning: Lucinda Sherborne
Planning Director: David McIndoe
Media Agency: SparkPHD

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