Production Company Doublewide, Garner National Women-Owned Business Certification

What does being certified as a Woman-Owned Business mean to Danielle Lovett, Owner/EP of Doublewide? “Besides it being an acknowledgement of the natural evolution of my career, and to stand alongside other women business owners, it’s an important responsibility, to be a model efor other women coming up, and for my daughter, especially now,” says Lovett.


The certification capped a terrific 2018 for the company, including a hugely successful multi-spot campaign for Chevrolet from Director Jeffrey Karoff, and seeing Food Director Gab Taraboulsey’s documentary, “Funke,” being selected for the L.A. Film Festival. The high energy continues in 2019 with a fun campaign for BIC pens, and branching into public policy work for the Department of Health and Human Services, and a recruiting campaign for the 2020 U.S. Census. “I feel tremendous pride working on projects that will have an actual impact on the day-to-day quality of people’s lives,” comments Lovett.


Lovett exudes natural warmth, yet has a killer competitive instinct evident from her days as a professional tennis player. Having left the courts to work at Chiat\Day New York, then jumping to the production side at Propaganda Films in L.A., Lovett honed her craft in the first big wave of music video production. “There was this get-over between music videos and commercials,” she notes. “But I had the chance to work with artists like Ice Cube, Beyonce and Jay-Z, and directors such as Antoine Fuqua, Spike Jonze, the Malloys, and David Fincher. They’re still at the vanguard of our business in every way, as trendsetters and as legitimate leaders. It was a pretty heady time, but I didn’t really even know it then. Who does at that age?”


Danielle feels equally proud of the team at Doublewide. Together with Karoff and Taraboulsey, their Director roster includes Elise Holowicki, Alfredo de Villa, Craig Teper and rock icon Rob Zombie. Post is led by Chief Creative Officer David Banks, working closely with Territory Studio, Doublewide’s design, VFX and animation partners. Based in London and San Francisco, Territory helped create the look of films such as “Blade Runner 2049,” “Ready Player One,” and “Guardians of the Galaxy.”


“Danielle’s kind of this unassuming powerhouse,” Banks points out. “Not only is she a terrific champion for our creative talent, she’s a real collaborative partner with our clients on every project. She listens, making sure she fully understands their vision, and then finds the best execution in this naturally authentic way of hers. Her years in the business give her access to talent from every corner of the entertainment business.”


“All the work we did last year, getting the WBENC certification, that was great, but what we get excited about is what’s next,” continues Lovett. “What I enjoy most about our business is really the curating of projects, and of relationships. It’s like hosting a dinner party. You want to bring together just the right mix of personalities and flavors to make it a great experience for everyone.”

Doublewide is a team of experienced and passionate storytellers with a broad range of skills. We produce commercials, we tell brand stories. Our team has won Emmys, Effies, Tellys, Webbys, and even an Oscar nomination. Everything we do is informed by a simple principle: to cut through the cacophony of screens, the stories we tell have to be authentic and true, no matter the message, no matter the platform. We’re here for you from soup to nuts on any project: production, data-based strategy and planning, creative services, editorial, art direction, and visual effects. Based in SoCal, we can guide your productions around the country and the globe.

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