Publicis Groupe challenge: BMW vs. DALLE-2 (print, Israel)

Mikayla, Director of Research and Trends at Publicis Groupe Israel excitedly tells us that:

"BMW is the only car brand in Israel (and one of the only car brands in the world) that has chosen a woman representative, actress Ayelet Zurer, as the “face” of the brand."


That's interesting, I had no idea that women weren't the faces of big expensive car brand cars before. I guess lying around on the hood wearing a bikini doesn't quite count? This actually reminded me of some other BMW ads that I'm sure BMW themselves wish had never happened as they were quite sexist, and that I had thankfully forgotten about. You know, the "you know you are not the first", and well, "we've come a long way, baby" or whatever". 

There are actually worse ads in the adland archives, believe it or not, but that's another topic. 

The discovery that AI only depicted men, brought us this print campaign. 

Moving on, to the trendy thing today which is to ask AI to render art for you, Mikayla, explains: "we asked for a BMW car driver" in many variations, and almost 95% of the outputted results were of male drivers."

Well, there you go, AI repeats what it has learned. "From this discovery, we came up with a quick print campaign that shows that even the most advanced software has a way to go when it comes to women's representation." Ah, yes, media and the images within, change the world. 

lient: BMW

CEO: Shelly Shamir Keinan

Creative VP: Igal Ezra

Creative director: Anat Itzhaki Abu

Copywriter: Shlomo Kavas, Benel Shkuri

Art director: Gal Mamalia, Kobi Nevo

Customer VP: Ran Danino

Client management: Noa Sivan, Or Fitussi

VP Strategic Planning: Hadas Dublin

Strategic Planner: Asaf Nerson

Studio: Lea Avram Vayzer,

Zehava Greenberg, Roni Rappaport, Lilian Bar Lev, Dana Schussberger, Yulia Jacques, Jenny Gindos, Nadav Salomon, Dafna Yaron, Mai Oshfiz, Yaron Srafati.

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