A quick surf around the worlds advertising blogs.

I just figured that our ad-pals that link us deserve a link back, and I was thinking a post would be great because then people trying to find advertising blogs and ad sites in general might have a good place to start. All of the following link other ad collecting blogs as well so you can fall deep deep into the rabbit hole here. Have fun!

First up: guys who link to Adland.tv - this also serves a quick trip around the world. Neat!
I'll start here simply because it brings up the unusual suspects, and you may find new people here to follow/blogroll/read. This is in no particular order (well, they're in the order that I have found them, actually).
Now, I'm positive that people will tap me on the shoulder here and say, "you missed me", so I think this will become a regular feature. I've been trying to build a new 'adlinks' section as we had before, but the ad blog list there grew so large (over 300 ad blog links alone) and it was hard to navigate and keep up to date, a monthly post like this one might be a better idea.
  • Running in circles with scisscors - this Mississippi girl is very very brave. She could get hurt!
  • Admaniac - in Hungary.
  • reklamyazilari there's a lot of presentation slides here. Also hungarian, I think. Maybe?
  • Are You a brand In India
  • Creativity Blab - Angelo is in Italy
  • Unknown Divide about the design around us (wow, sexy look).
  • Kennygvs Blog Shoutout to Chicago!
  • Santana Adworks avid ad collector, recent examples of ads includes this fantastic "what goes around comes around" poster campaign.
  • MTN Company Italy again. Nice one.
  • Boris Domain - this is all in Russian - no it isn't, Boris informs me that he's in beautiful Sofia, Bulgaria - so I still can't read it but it looks hella interesting.
  • BunnehMunches - I'm not sure where Zana is, India? She's a rat race riding copywriter with a designer heart. Links to beautiful things.
  • La comunicazione d'impresa Links both to adland.tv and further down, commercial-archive.com :))
  • Daswell is thinking a student at USF
  • Plakart in french, which I don't read but I still like them.
  • diabloguemarketing Dublin! Shoutout to the stoutmasters.
  • DrinkMoxie USA - and as the name implies, thinks about drink advertising specifically.
  • Easily Distracted By Shiny Objec...Oh look a bug! Julio is in Sunny Miami, Florida
  • Popping the Cultrure Cherry trendspotter, designlover, idea spreader.
  • "โลกอิ่มเอม" I can't read this, but oh god it's so purdy! Nice shots of baking bread and the design is yummy. Imaim seems to like food and taking pretty pictures.
  • Extraverted Inrospection - she reads adsites but talks about everything between heaven and earth.
  • Marketing alltop one stop shopping for the latest RSS feeds from all the big adblogs.
  • O&M (or rather Oakes and Mowat) my new heroes because they have found HELLO KITTY BEER!
  • SilverMayer - a Swedish copywriter - Annika Mayer - gossips about life at her agency which she runs with Pia Silver. (In Swedish)
  • SupaDupa Tokyo - can't read it but they find such purdy things.
  • W6MARKETING Cleveland Ohio - talks about campaigns and ideas.
  • Viralmente - Italian (I think), concentrating more on the areas of ambient and viral marketing.
  • Variasikta I won't guess which language this is, but the most recent post is showing garbage mens revenge on someone who parked in their way which made me laugh.
  • Update! I knew I missed someone Illegal Advertising have us on their friend-list. Wehey! We're buddies.

    People who link to commercial-archive.com - also buddies! This is more or less off the top of my head as my google-fu is failing today.
  • AdScam we simply adore George. He's our own whisky-swilling ad-santa and inventor of faboo cursewords.
  • Adrants - Steve & Angela keep many irons in their fire and the blogroll pretty up-to-date. Ahem. Part from the link to AdJab which shut down 2 years ago. ;) I'm so glad I never sold them my adrag.com domain, which he asked for, I knew they'd stop blogging sooner than I.
  • American Copywriter what can I say, I think they're great.
  • Kontaktmannen.com a very caustic copywriter rants in Swedish about all angles of advertising.

  • People who link https://ad-rag.com - which yaknow, still works but it's been three years since we stopped using that URL. See post: We've switched to our old domain back in 2006. Again, totally off the top of my head.
  • Adfreak
  • Advertising Design Goodness (Fredrik Samuel)
  • The Hidden Persuader
  • Adpulp always ready with commentary.

  • All of the above ad-rag / comercial-archive URL's still lead to Rome, which is Adland.TV these days. :))

    src="adland.tv/inally-weve-switched-our-old-domain">We've switched to our old domain back in 2006. Again, totally off the top of my head.

  • Adfreak
  • Advertising Design Goodness (Fredrik Samuel)
  • The Hidden Persuader
  • Adpulp always ready with commentary.

  • All of the above ad-rag / comercial-archive URL's still lead to Rome, which is Adland.TV these days. :))
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