Rainbow flag designer has been commemorated with a free font family

On 31 March, 2017, Gilbert Baker a designer by trade and the creator of the iconic Rainbow Flag passed away. Gilbert was the creator of the iconic rainbow flag, which has been an instantly recognisable symbol of LGBTQ social movements since the 1970s. Since Gilbert himself had such an impact on the visual elements of gay pride, NewFest and NYC Pride decided to honour his memory and have partnered with Ogilvy & Mather and Fontself to create free fonts inspired by his work.

The font is available at type with pride.com. It comes both in a regular bold, but also in a rainbow coloured design that gives you the instant gay pride-look. The colour font in OpenType-SVG format, which means it'll work in Photoshop CC 2017. Because support for OpenType-SVG is not yet widespread, only Firefox and Microsoft Edge web browsers support it, but you could rainbow up your tumblr today and most people will see it. The font is part Bauhaus inspired, party quirky childish fun like plastic colourful letters on the fridge. The lower case looks like a squirming sperm to me, and never fails to make me giggle. Stylish enough to be used in all earnestness though, so bookmark today for you will find a project for it toon, trust me.

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