Rethink the cool - Red Spot sneakers are finally available

Looks like adbusters is trying to un-swoosh Nike.

"Our $250,000 marketing budget will run out mid-November, so we’re counting on thousands of jammers like you to keep painting symbolic red dots on your sneakers, adbusting Nike posters and billboards in your vicinity, and uncooling the swoosh every chance you get."

Black Spot Sneaker

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Anonymous Adgrunt's picture
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AnonymousCoward's picture

i like the idea behind their campaign, but i dont blieve it will be completely successful, a shoe without a brand in a world where you are defined by the brands you sport and the companies you support? yeaaa i dont know about this one

Dabitch's picture

"...without a brand in a world where you are defined by the brands you sport and the companies you support" - isn't that exactly the point though? Instead of buying expensive sneakers that may (or may not) have been created by child-laborers, you support the all-vegan family-owned, union-wage and rights created sneaker of Black Spot. It is a brand statement.

cosmonaut's picture

Yeah! Offcourse its allso a brand.

I have just ordered a pair... But I don't really feel that defined by that?