Rubik's Cube - Going Rubik's - print, New Zealand

From DDB New Zealand comes this reminder that the Rubik's cube has been driving us all nuts for 25 years. Some are more obsessed with solving them than others....

Juliet Taylor (Photographer)
Toby Talbot (Executive Creative Director)
Mike Davison (Head of Art)
Bridget Short (Creative)
Regan Grafton (Creative)
Gordon Moir (Senior Agency Producer)

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RLDavies's picture

Octopuses like them too: Daily Telegraph article

My usual Rubik's strategy is to pry out all the mini-cubes and reassemble them.

purplesimon's picture

Is it me, or does New Zealand seem to be reviving lots of old toys in its advertising?

I vaguely remember (but I'm too lazy to dig out the link) that they did an Atari campaign there recently.

Anyway, the moobs on the first chap put me off. Also, why do their shirts fit their arms but not the torsos, and their pants still fit them? Sorry, I'm looking way too deeply into this...

Dabitch's picture

I'll dig for you, yes they did, you probably mean the Atari - Since 1972 - press ads. from Republic in New Zealand. (and as for overthinking things, I wondered why the girl didn't have telltale signs of, uhm, youknow, the monthly womanhood thing. There, I've grossed everyone out for today, job done.)

purplesimon's picture

Thanks Dab, I'm feeling slightly lazy about searching for archived posts, but feeling inspired to pop up info about the song from a McD's ad for farmers. I'm a fickle so-and-so sometimes :)

Anyway, that's the post I meant.

As for the tampon/period link, you're looking way, way, way deep at that!

Then again, she didn't have hairy legs or pits and her fringe hasn't grown, etc, etc. I could go on, but I can't out-gross you!