SABO places "Think Different" parody campaign outside Google HQ

On Friday afternoon, in Venice California street artist SABO, whom we interviewed here "Search and Destroy: The street art of SABO", left a scathing comment on Google's current media fame. Using the main line from Apples "think different" campaign, SABO notes that at Google yuo'd get fired for it. Here's to the crazy ones. You can find SABO's workd for sale at

The images quickly spread over Twitter as everyone is equipped with a smartphone these days, and many people stopped to take a snap.

There were also banners hanging from the street lights, which may take quite some time to be taken down. THe entire intersection around Google has posters at bus stops, on benches and these flying overhead by the street lights.

This bench billboard really hammers the message home: Goolag - search for diversity of thought somewhere else.

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