Salons in UK refusing gossip magazines after Caroline Flack's suicide

Beau Boutique Salon in Kent has started a small salon revolution. This is in response to the news of tragic suicide of Caroline Flack. Flack was a former actress, now English television & presenter, and as she herself said Prince Harry's "bit of wild" at one point, in other words quite gossip famous in the UK. So gossip famous that an assault case that occurred in December 2019 and was slowly making it to trial has already been detailed hundreds of times in the media, which some believe drove Flack to suicide. 

from Beau Boutique Salon in Kent's Instagram

Well, Beau Boutique Salon in Kent has decided to defang the tabloids, by not buying them. "We will not be promoting these magazines that troll people, put people down..." instead, they say they will have books to read and informative educational magazines. They call on all other salons to join them. Sounds like a great idea to me, I have no clue who the people in the gossip rags are anyway. 

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