Say Ja to the amazing Svädish diet, or just laugh at the stereotype-ad

"Say Ja to the amazing Swedish diet" these girls sing. Much like the Swedish Bikini Team, these gals dress only in blue and yellow, have lots of blond wig-hair, and pose in front of Swedish stuff like fjords, windmills, snow covered mountains, and on vespas or while asphalt-skiing.

That last thing is actually a common Swedish phenomenon, actually. How else can you keep working on your ski-skills when there is no snow?

Either way, this is no joke, it's a real product. It's your regular diet drink sold by CVS, and the ad is a parody of a parody of a parody. There's something very Swedish about that. We love in-jokes.

Client: The Swedish Diet (available at CVS)

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claymore's picture


Dabitch's picture


AnonymousBiznitch's picture

i laugh every time i see it. it's so ridiculous, that it shouldn't even be taken seriously.

Anonymous Adgrunt's picture

I want to know how many bottles of this junk they sold. And what the hell it was.