Shocker: Copywriter writes book ... set in advertising.

Like the novel "E" by Matt Beaumont this fictional book is set in the advertising business, but "Truth in advertising" also deals with some serious issues. Finbar Dolan is lost and lonely, had feet so cold he called off a wedding, and now has to call off his vacation to write and edit a super bowl spot about diapers in record time. Then things get worse. His once abusive father falls ill, his siblings do not intend to visit, and just what in the hell is Finbar really doing with his life? Shilling diapers!

This is not the trailer for the book.But it shoud be: Truth in advertising

This is the trailer for the book. It's three minutes too long.

Sadly, the book is now out of print. Check places like to see if you can find a used one.

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Anonymous Adgrunt's picture
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peculiarblend's picture

This is quite thrilling not only for Ad agency slaves but others as well. I am looking forward to read 'Truth in Advertising' by John Kenney. It seems effing awesome.

Sarah30's picture

This seems like a very interesting book! I have to write my expository essay about lies in advertisement and now it changes our society.

Hygge's picture

This looks like an amazing book, which I will highly recommend to all my friends!
Unless I am being sarcastic. Please God no, no more sarcasm. Okay, so I won't read the book, because too many others did the exact same thing. Now look what you've done, you've ruined my positive feedback. Happy now?

Dabitch's picture

You know I love your drive-by snark.

Hygge's picture

Are you being sarcastic?

Dabitch's picture

One can never tell.

maria's picture

Yea, I have been in marketing for 20 years and still learning how to write well. It is really amazing that, clean and concise content development is such an integral part of website design and development, direct and email marketing and just basic business “story telling.”