Snapchat - "Wait’ll You See This" (2023) :60 (USA)

A caveat, I hate Snapchat. But the kids like it. So this is not targeted at me, so I'll judge it on its merit.

The merit here is that it actually really sells Snapchat. While I might not like to have dog filters and weirdo smile filters, some people are really amused by this, and how they can use filters to creatively share bits of their day without showing reality to their friends. The floor is beans. Everyone is a horse. All of this can be hilarious in the right context and friend group because Snapchat is a bit of a digital escape. In that sense, the ad is doing an excellent job in sharing what it is good at.

Our eyes can only see so much. But what if they could see…more?
What if you could see the world in a more interesting way?
You could finally work with horses. You love horses! Or what if, rather than using your mind's eye, you could see things with your eye’s mind?

Things like, I don't know, a virtual wardrobe! Ooo, I like the yellow.

You could make imaginary friends real... ...Or see your real friends in a more imaginary way.

Because when you start to see the things you love in a whole new way, you start to want to share them with the world… with me?

Well, maybe not the WHOLE world. Oh, right, right. Okay. And weirdly enough, that helps us all see ourselves, and each other just a little more clearly.

The floor is beans.

I like the Art Direction and use of actual Snapchat filters here and think that this can reach a wider audience. I even like the tone that it is presented in. And Snapchat shows off virtual shopping with "oh I like the yellow", a concept that the world has been trying to bring to consumers for decades now. Fun.

I'll leave the depressing thought of kids growing up without a real grip on reality due to apps like this to another article. Let's just enjoy the craft here for a second.

P.S. I appreciate the smiling earth bit. Reminded me of the moon in The Mighty Boosh.

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