Social Democrats - "Our Sweden can do better" election film / Vårt Sverige kan bättre – Rösta på Socialdemokraterna

This political ad shows Sweden's current prime minister reminiscing about the past, and is "an orgy in Sweden Nostalgia" as the leading tabloid called it. The film is called "Vårt Sverige kan bättre", "our Sweden can do better", and shows old footage of children swimming, factory workers, and past prime minister Olof Palme from back in the 70s.  

"Sweden was safe," says prime minister Magdalena Andersson acknowledging that it isn't today. “I had swimming, it taught me to fight and do what is required. We pushed each other and made each other better. ”

"Sweden was perhaps small but still large. And for me, it became clear: We become stronger when we stick together."

Then she brings up the issues of today, represented by abstract guns and money imagery. "We can do better", proclaims the S-leader without any real empathy in her voice. "We will take back control of welfare. Get to the bottom of the issues of segregation. End the gangs.”

I have to agree with that opinion piece that some of the nostalgic shots conjure up recollections of ads from the conservative and nationalistic parties, like the ads from AfS or early Sweden Democrat ads. But what's worse is that this is the party that has been in power for the past eight years, saying "we can do better", makes you wonder why they didn't when they had the chance? And there are no solutions offered. Just the same cliché slogans, that we've heard for the past eight years. Political ads have changed quite a bit in Sweden since Roy Anderson directed them, but they normally promise action.

Client : Socialdemokraterna - Social Democrats

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argantil's picture

What did the swimming have to do with anything? Is she a former olympic athlete or something?

Dabitch's picture

She was an elite swimmer, has two Sum-Sim gold medals, and was in a team at Upsala Simsällskap, but stopped swimming when she was 14.