Soft & Dri - Nervous is why you need Soft & Dri - (1979) printad (USA)

Nervous is why you need Soft & Dri


"Nervous is meeting the best- looking guy in the building when you look your worst.
Being nervous is part of every day. But nervous perspiration doesn't have to be. Not if you use Super Dry Soft & Dri. Soft & Dri makes nervous perspiration one less thing to be nervous about. There's Soft & Dri roll-on. It really helps keep you dry-even when you're really nervous. In fact, you can't buy a more effective roll-on anti-perspirant formula.

There's Soft & Dri aerosol, too. No leading aerosol will keep you drier.
And remember, Soft & Dri never stings most women-even after shaving.

Super Dry Soft & Dri. Roll-on or aerosol. Scented or unscented.  Aerosol available in Baby Powder formula, too.

Non-sting Anti-Perspirant ENVIRONMENTAL FORMULA lighter propellant, same number of sprays The Gillette Company, 1979
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