SpeakEmoji - the web app that lets you speak an emoji (2015)

Speakemoji is an iphone app created by Sapientnitro, and it gave this bloke with his white skinny jeans, mustard yellow sweater and bleeding ear piercings a touch of "cool" so he can be down with his kids. Or so he says. Perfectly cast and styled, this man is all sorts of awkward and NOPE. The SpeakEmoji app was created so that parents could communicate with their kids, simply say the emoji and it'll appear on your screen.

Mark Hunter, the executive creative director at SapientNitro, explains: "Technology has revolutionised the way we communicate many times in the past, and with the rapid rise of emojis we’re seeing it again. In the blink of an eye we’ve gone from DIY emoticons to thousands of fully animated faces and symbols at our fingertips. Indeed, what we’re witnessing is the birth of a new, universal language. And what could be more perfectly suited for our digital age than that?!"

Hilarious, guys, really hilarious.

Ad agency: SapientNitro

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