Sprite - Pride (2019) 1:35 (Argentina)

A mother helps her son apply makeup. A friend helps her friend put on a breast hiding binder. A grandmother helps her grandson tighten a metallic corset. Parents drive their son to a wild gathering of colorful dancing people waving rainbow flags downtown. Etc.

I'm understanding the "pride" concept of this footage, that part is quite well told in the actor's faces, what I can't wrap my head around is what does this have to do with Sprite? If you cut out the Sprite logo at the end, it would like an ad for being LGBTQ. Nice film, I guess, but it doesn't sell the product that paid for it, so it's not doing Sprite any good. In fact, it may cause damage to the brand.

Ad agency: Santo, Buenos Aires

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Ozzy F's picture

What the hell did I just watch?

Man Oh Man's picture

How the hell does this sell Sprite?