Stalin Speaks The #deeptruth About The Holodomor - (2020) 1:15 (Canada)

Here's an interesting and very timely ad, as my kidlet was just studying the Holodomor this week and literally had to take breaks because it's just so horrible. 

The thing about the Holodomor, is that it's ... well, forgotten? Hidden? Not widely known. 

An agency in Toronto decided to do something about that, and resurrected Stalin, the reigning leader of fake news and airbrushing out people he didn't like, to actually tell the truth about the Holodomor genocide that occurred in Ukraine nearly 100 years ago.

It's quite clever, and a bit creepy.  Check out for more.


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Ad-Envy's picture

This is creepy as hell.

Anonymous Adgrunt's picture

I agree. But I think they could have had an actor with a better Russian accent. I feel his English is too good for Stalin.