Stevie Wonder never did an Atari ad - you've been had

If you stumbled upon that Stevie Wonder ad where our great musician proclaims "If I could play video game, you bet it would be ATARI", and thought it was real ad from the likes of 1981.... you've been had.

It's a really good fake though. Really really good. You see, someone bothered to find an old synth advert and photoshopped it nicely with the Atari game console. It all looks so believable. Like the Brian Eno Purina cat food ad, and the baby drinking cola, it's just a joke.

So, kids, friends, people sharing the hell out of this on facebook and twitter. Yes, the headline for the Atari ad is a tad... Shall we say insensitive? It seems that todays generation might for a moment think this sort of headline would be approved. Geez, really? Not even in 1981 did we get away with this sort of thing. We did get away with mullets though.

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