SunTrust Banks first Super Bowl spot, created by New York agency StrawberryFrog, looks like it was edited together from americana stock footage while married to a radio script. I guess that's a way to save budget? There's laughing children, babies gurgling and all those fleeting moments where you might have wished you were more there. The idea is that financial woes are stressful, and Suntrust wants to start a movement to help millions of Americans move from financial stress to financial confidence so they can enjoy life more. You can join this movement Don't get it confused with #MovinOnUp.
Ad agency: Strawberryfrog
Exactly, it's using Americana to tell a wide audience "Hey, we get it and we're here to help". I'm not american and the copy resonated with me exactly because of financial stress. Show stress and then relief, laughter and, well, living. People will relate to that, specially these days.
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