Swift creates first campaign for Purple

For too long, society has sent the message that success belongs to the strivers – the midnight oil burners and long-hour loggers sacrificing nights and weekends, delaying present needs for some distant reward. But, in reality, much of what we hustle hard for can get achieved overnight. The real secret to success? Sleep.

Built on that idea, “Overnight Success” consists of 30-second and 15-second spots along with social assets, showcases a broad range of humans delivering Purple Mattress’ manifesto around the correlation between sleep and success, with visuals underscoring this notion as we see mattresses everywhere from offices to cycling classes. The effort turns hustle culture on its head by highlighting the idea that, as we hustle hardest to make bedtime on the mattress made for successful sleeping, we’re all one sleep away from overnight success. TA DAH! 

Team Credits
Agency: Swift

Account Executive: Corrie Williams
Account Director: Kate Torsey
Senior Project Manager: Daina Tate
Art Director: Emily Mayberry
Writer: Isaac Weeber (freelance)
Writer: Lindsey Lanpher (freelance)
Writer: David Azrael
Senior Art Director: Emily Mcnulty
Data Science: Varsha Bhagel
Interim Executive Creative Director: Eric Segal
Executive Producer: Hanna Hagen
Strategy Director: Drew Phillips (Freelance)
EVP Strategy: Leslie North
Associate Strategy: Millie Robson

Brand: Purple Mattress
Chief Marketing Officer: Patrice Varni
Vice President of Marketing Strategy: Erica Dudash
Vice President of Advertising and Growth: Scott Symonds
Media Director: Savannah Guyer
Creative Director: Jackie Salway
Marketing Strategy Manager: Nick Corotan
Production Company: Greenpoint Pictures
Owner: Michael Kuhn
EP: Tatiana Rudzinski
EP: Trevor King
Head of Production: Karen Berkowitz
Director: Rob Soucy
Producer: Luke Stevens
DP: Josh McKi

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