These4walls network night - featuring free boooze
t4w_cnn two: Account handlers in advertising, direct marketing, and media there is a party waiting for you!

When: from 6.30 pm, Tuesday, 20th May 2003

Where: Bar Red, (Downstairs bar)
To be found on Kingly Street, off Carnaby St, London, W2

What are CNN's? The creative bodies behind these4walls are proud to announce the second career networking night, or CNN.

This event will focus on account handlers from advertising, media and direct marketing. Future events will be held for PR and public affairs practitioners, market researchers and design and new media professionals.

(Read more to learn more)

Designed with reality in mind after-work and informal these regular nights offer a unique opportunity to bring together marketers and communications professionals with those who can help advise on improving and developing their current positions or can offer help finding a new one.

So, whether you are looking to move up, get into, escape, go freelance, educate yourself or even start up your own agency, advice from professionals will be to hand. As is a glass of wine or pint of beer!

What a good idea!

How To RSVP:
These events are free - all you need to do is register using CNN's nifty registration page.

However, even if you are already a member of these4walls, please, please, please register/RSVP as they need to know how many people are coming, print color-coded badges, and book space at the bar relevant to demand. Thanks and have fun!

Adland® is supported by your donations alone. You can help us out by buying us a Ko-Fi coffee.
Anonymous Adgrunt's picture
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Dabitch's picture

Fantastic - I'll go - free beer and networking? Perfect!

Dabitch's picture

I'll be there too. Shall we wear matching shirts?