TiVo "#Tivoprank" (2015) 1:48 (USA)

Hi, we're TiVo. We hate commercials so much we made a fake one and inserted it in a movie for some stuntvertising, but then we interrupted the movie again with yet another commercial for TiVo Bolt. So it's not so much that TiVo hates advertising, so much as they like fake ads followed by real TiVo ads. Maybe they just hate ads that aren't meta? I dunno man, it's like a holiday week. Cut me some slack. Point is TiVo may hate ads all they want, but they still advertise.

By the way, this stunt was a private screening. In other words, this was carefully controlled "disruption." Now if TiVo really had some cojones they would have partnered with some local theaters last week during the showing of the new Star Wars. Now that would have been disruptive. And gotten them some seriously earned media.

Client: TiVo
Agency: School
Chief Creative Officers: Joe Corr
Executive Creative Director: Ryan Craig
Creative Director: Andrew Goldin
Art Director: Kiley Del Valle
Copywriter: Ryan Craig, Max Lenderman, Andrew Goldin
Executive Producer: Angela Barnard
Agency Producer: Gigi Douglas
Account Executive: Sherena Elharmell
Designer: Hailey Badovinac

Production Company: Buck Ross
Director: Ryan Ross
Director of Photography: Jeffrey Garland
Producer: Alex VanNortwick
Assistant Director: Tom Farnsworth
Editor: Lam T. Nguyen
Post Producer: Ryan Ross
Color: Buck Ross
Colorist: Lam T. Nguyen
Sound Design: Coupe Studios
Producer: Eric Singer
Audio Mix: Alex Hawley

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