Toyota Camry 2012 - It's Reinvented (2012) :60 (USA)

Extended version that plays on potential reinventions, such as a couch, police officer, and a baby that doesn't poop and is ALSO a time machine. A :30 airs in the 3rd quarter.

Agency: Saatchi & Saatchi LA
ECD: Chris Adams
ECD: Margaret Keene
CD: John Payne
ACD/AD: Jera Mehrdad
Art Director: Scott Wilson
Art Director: Verner Soler
Copywriter: Marcin Markiewicz
Copywriter: Matthew Poitras
Copywriter: Graham McCann
Copywriter: Scott Model
Director of Integrated Production: Tanya LeSieur
Executive Broadcast/Content Producer: Richard Bendetti
Associate Broadcast/Content Producer: Dan Paquin
Management Supervisor: Erica Baker
Strategic Planning Director: Evan Ferrari
Strategic Planner: Skyler Wallace
Media Director: Gwen Conley
Associate Interactive Media Director: Gaurika Chadha
Interactive Media Planner: Anna Kondrashova
Project Management: Norma Carballo

Production Company: MJZ
Senior Executive Producer: Jeff Scruton
Producer: Jeff McDougall
Director: Tom Kuntz

Editing Company: Rock Paper Scissors
Executive Producer: Carol Lynn Weaver
Producer: Angela Dorian
Editor: Kirk Baxter
Assistant Editor: Jeff Sharpe

Special Effects: The Mill
Executive Producer: Sue Troyan
Producer: Arielle Davis
Production Coordinator: Kiana Bicoy
Lead Flame Artist: Phil Crowe
Effects Supervisor: Paul O'Shea
Music: Stimmung
Executive Producer: Ceinwyn Clark
Creative Director/Composer: Jason Johnson
Sound Designer: Gus Koven
Graphics: Gentleman Scholar
Record/Mix: Lime Studios
Mixer: Joel Waters

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