Underground bands are really unknown.

Underground bands are really unknown...

And that is part of the attraction, no?


..if you've heard...

Client: Underground Music Festival.
Agency: Anderson & Lembke. San Francisco
AD: Rob Hollenbeck CW: Matt Rivitz

Line reads: If You've heard of these bands you must be in them.

..dutch copy..

Client: zeldzaam onbekend muziekfestival (rare unknown musicfestival)
Agency: FHV/BBDO Amsterdam
CW: Names not mentioned.
Line Reads: We have bands that are so unknown that they sometimes forget their own name.

Ok, this seems to be a case of a creative juicing up his book, I guess to impress someone. But since I also found the original ad in a Communication Arts Annual lying around his office, I'm not impressed.
Are you?

Not surprising, he still hasn't moved on to a new job... 
(And if you are wondering what I was doing in his office, I was trying to nick briefs, like normal people!)

What's your theory, was this idea inspired or simply stolen?

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