Unicef - Don't Ignore me - print, China

We've seen the "person painted as the background" thing used to sell everything from secure internet to chocolate-chip cookies before - but here it finally makes total sense. In fact, the only way I think this could be made better is if these were real kids sitting around all day like this in an ambient/guerilla stunt. Well done O&M Shanghai. There are 1.5 million underprivileged children in China.

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O&M Shanghai
Kevin Lee (Creative Director)
Ng Fan (Creative Director)
Kevin Lee (Art Director)
Haibo Huang (Art Director)
Phoebe Liao (Art Director)
Stephen Zhong (Art Director)
Adams Fan (Copywriter)
Derek Huang (Copywriter)
Raymond Yung (Copywriter)
Andrew Lok (Copywriter)

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mpared's picture

love them!!

Dabitch's picture

Don't forget to rate them up. :)

mpared's picture

just did

Neaner's picture

Yeah, this is a great way to use that old illusion. And again, or new Chinese pals are absent from the thread.

purplesimon's picture

Yes, yes, yes. Beautifully done. Deserves recognition.

Dabitch's picture

Bonus: More from artist Liu Bolin: Where's waldo, and portfolio.