USA Discounters: The things we stand for / Twin Towers declaration of Independence text ad

It's been ten years, time to yank out the 9/11 symbolism in advertising. The WTC Twin Towers here in this ad are created by the text from the declaration of independence. The body copy with the ad reads:

The things we stand for still stand.
While we mournfully observe the tenth anniversary of September 11, we give thanks for our military and rescue workers who heroically uphold our freedom.
This ad and poster symbolizes the catastrophic change in the United States on September 11, 2001 by depicting the fallen World Trade Center towers with what will not change – the freedom embodied in the words of the Declaration of Independence. Since USA Discounters deals chiefly with military and government personnel, they were particularly concerned about creating a stirring message of thanks and support on the tragic tenth anniversary.

What do you think of the ad? Comment away.

Advertising Agency: Levenson and Hill, Dallas, Texas, USA
Client: USA Discounters
Creative Director: Richard Graves
Art Director: Chuck Paris
Copywriter: Richard Graves
Account Supervisor: Claire Iverson
Account Executive: Julie Cazalas
Director of Print Production: Darlene Mowry

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Nick McGivney's picture

I'd like it a whole lot better if USA Discounters could have found it within their hearts to maybe relegate their logo to a position beneath the copy. That said, I am a cynic. That said, I am right.

Alec Long's picture

My thoughts exactly. I like the sentiment, and love that they used the Declaration of Independence. The "Discounters" logo placement bugs the snot out of me, though. My gut reaction was "Don't discount America."

Dabitch's picture

I wish we still had "+1" on comments here. That deserves a +1