Verizon persists with European email blockade

attention Verizon users you need to know this, especially all you fine folks who are emailing me and wondering why you aren't getting a reply - or your automagick password mail for that matter. The truth is, your ISP Verizon is screwing you. The Register reports that the geographical blockade is still in place.

US ISP Verizon is persisting with a controversial policy of blocking email sent from Europe. Since 22 December, mail servers at have been configured not to accept connections from Europe by default.

Verizon is blocking ranges of IP addresses belonging to British and European ISPs (the IP space from RIPE, APNIC, and more) in a misguided attempt to reduce spam. Domains are only unblocked following complaints, with Europeans effectively treated as guilty till proven innocent.

See also, Wireds report "Verizon's E-Mail Embargo Enrages"

Dumbest quote ever: Verizon three million DSL customers waiting for emails from Europe were advised to use alternative forms of communication. "If it's really important you might want to make a phone call."

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Dabitch's picture

For more, see this post at metafilter about the Verizon embargo blocking Europe.

repeat after me, that's effed up.

caffeinegoddess's picture

That is just so stupid. I'm surprised the media hasn't picked up on this story. Would be bad for Verizon's PR though- you're only "in" if you're in the US. *tsktsk* I supoose they suggest making phone calls because most likely those who use their DSL service also use their phone service- so instead of sending a "free" email, you can get charged for the international call instead!

Dabitch's picture

I guess regular Verizon users don't read Wired? Who knows.
Anyway, this is one of the dumbest tactics I've heard of as a counter-spam measure. AOL did something similar back in the day.... It's as if managers without the least clue of how the internet works made this decision - and the best part is that they did not inform their customers about it. Wow, that is shit. There are blacklists, greylists and spamassins out there if they want to do it right. But that requires they have someone who knows what the hell they're doing in their employ, and right now I doubt that they do.