Wanna date Derek? No thank you, I already dated Brian

Skiver Advertising is pimping out their "vivacious, handsome, smart, ripped" and "a kind-hearted soul" of an account executive at the site WannadateDerek. It's all a twist to pull you in via Billboards, youtube videos and the twitter handle @WannaDateDerek to Skiver advertising, and learn how they can brand stuff for you. Any stuff. Even dateless Derek.

"Everyone is looking for something," says Jeremy Skiver, CEO of Skiver Advertising. "And that's where we come in. We're experts at bringing brands and their audience, and helping them build a strong, lasting and evolving relationship."
Visitors to www.wannadatederek.com are quickly brought in on the joke. "While Derek's quest is epic," the site says, "others may be searching for something more attainable." And of course the people who are selling those attainable things are invited to engage Skiver Advertising, who builds brands, moves product and isn't opposed to candlelight dinners and long walks on the beach.

While that's very sweet, it's also a little like Date Brian, which pimped out the baby faced Brian, an intern at @BBHNewYork. Aaah, advertising, always out to get somebody screwed. ;-9

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