What does "Adland" look like at the strike of midnight 2009/2010? You can show us!

We want the world to know what "Adland" - the mythical worldwide land where adgrunts reside - looks like on New Years Eve. Fancy being our fly on the wall in your part of the physical world?

All adgrunts can connect their accounts to Bambuser - just go to user/me/bambuser and hook it up. Once you have your adland+Bambuser account set, you needn't worry about hashtags, everything you Bambuse will end up on Adland's Bambuser page. Live! As you broadcast it. So please do share, and show us what New Years eve looks like in the part of Adland where you are.

You can use your webcamera or cellphone, and joy, the iPhone Bambuser app is now available for you folks who didn't want to jailbreak, or break, anything. For all other phones, check out the phone list to see if yours is on it. While you're there, peek at the getting started page for a quick how-to, as my talkative demo below might not make too much sense. ;) Come midnight and 2010, I'll be Bambusing to the front page, will you?

Adland® is supported by your donations alone. You can help us out by buying us a Ko-Fi coffee.
Anonymous Adgrunt's picture
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