Zambezi is closing tomorrow to observe A Day Without A Woman

If you go to Zambezi's home page tomorrow you'll find the above notice. That's right, for International Women's Day, L.A.-based agency Zambezi will be closed. Here's the initial message that went out to staff on Friday:

Our company will be closed Wednesday, March 8th. In support of A Day Without A Woman, a movement to highlight the impact that women have on our society, Zambezi will be closed.
The movement has asked businesses to stand with women by giving them a day off to participate in solidarity. Instead of just allowing women to have the day off to engage in this effort, we are extending this to the entire company. Men and women need to be united to support this effort together.

Good for them.

I wonder if they're actually closed, or "closed," as in "work from home." I mean, we are talking about advertising, aren't we.

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