Hi Steven, people loved our billboard stunt says NYT

Recall: Hell Hath no fury like a media-woman scorned?
Well here's the update - even after people sussed out that it was for CourtTV, the web was still buzzing about those posters. Did people get mad when they found out it wasn't real?
Not according to the The New York Times reports "Public Hath No Fury, Even When Deceived "

"Emily is really an amalgam of all of us who have been cheated on," said Marc Juris, general manager for programming and marketing at Court TV. "Clearly, this really resonated with people."
Whether it resonates into higher ratings for "Parco P.I." is another matter. The "Emily" ruse was originally intended to be a stunt to help promote the start of the show’s new season on Aug. 15, but Court TV's marketing group liked the idea so much that they made it a large part of the campaign. The second phase - ads for the show to be stamped over the original billboards - was to start next Monday, but Court TV moved it up to July 26 after all the attention.
Mr. Juris was still marveling: "It's like a flash investigation took place, and within 24 hours we were busted."

People liked Emily? That's not what I heard. She's a "woman" who describes her nipples as erasers and spams real blogs like the "Fork in the Road" where the post just described a car accident with the canned "my hubby is having an affair" message. I don't like Emily. I hate Emily. Describing nipples as "erasers" sounds terribly male writer/penthouse letter, and latching onto real blogs real life events with canned unrelated promo responses is nothing short of spam - comparable to that pharma-spammer who sprinkles his blogspot.com links all over this place these past weeks. But in the old "any press is good press" (as long as they spell your name right) apparently this campaign was a success.

All people not living in the US, but still hanging on the web, can be grateful that we don't get CourtTV I guess, because if that show is executed even half as mediocre as this ad campaign was, it'll blow chunks.

This poster is on the I-95 North near Jerome Avenue in the Bronx, NY.

PS: A fork in the road responded and in the comments someone explains that "Emily" is a cruel hoax designed to exploit people who are in tough personal situations just so some execs can sell more crap. It's all invented by an ad agency."

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