Adscam points to a McDonald's ad from Russia. Cheetos and Mountain Dew product placement in an animated clip where characters from console games play Dungeons and Dragons. (via screenhead) Brands (are)(will become) channels - Takes a look at the ongoing trend. Virtual Burma Shave randomly generates copy from the classic ads. W+K London point to a spoof of their Rooney ad. Beam me up, Molson - A rather Shatnerian homage. Peta are strutting that tired old "I'd rather be naked than wear fur" thing again, using Pamela who we'd rather see with a paper bag over her face.
Copyranter turns one year old! Like MaketheLogobigger (also birthday boy) already noted, June is a big blog birth month. I don't know if this means everyone was screwing around in September, but probably.