Dell - Out With the Old (2007) 0:60 (USA)

Agency: Mother, NY
VFX: rhinofx

From rhinofx CD/VFX Supervisor Vico Sharabani:

This project was quite challenging from a visual perspective, lending itself to a wide variety of both creative and technical timing solutions. During the original planning process, we were working closely with The Snorri Brothers, and determined that the entire piece should be shot in live action and we would later manipulate and augment the footage digitally. Having done quite a bit of these slow-motion stylized effects, we suggested they shoot with a Phantom camera-a high-speed, HD digital camera that captures 1000 frames per second. The challenge here was that we had only one take with three camera angles for each explosion and had to manipulate the timing, synchronization, and details of footage to really make it work. Working with live pyrotechnics can always be difficult in compositing, as we have to turn unpredictable and instantaneous explosions into a consistent and cohesive visual output. To do this, our artists worked in Flame to recreate scenes, enhance some explosions, clean up others, match debris consistency, manage timing, and color correct to maintain the crisp starkness of the background environment. We also took advantage of the latest Linux Flame HD technology to preserve detail for the high-res rendering. Overall, it was really a seamless translation between production, effects, editing, and post production, and I think that really comes across in the timing and flow of the final product.

Client: Dell
Spot Title: Out With the Old
Airdate: Dec 2007

Agency: Mother, New York
Creative Director(s): Paul Malmstrom, Linus Karlsson
Art Director: Rob Baird
Copywriter: Allon Tatarka
Agency Producer: Letitia Jacobs

Director: The Snorri Brothers
Production Company: Smuggler
Executive Producer(s): Patrick Milling Smith, Brian Carmody
Line Producer: Jeff Miller

VFX: rhinofx
VFX Supervisor: Vico Sharabani
Lead Flame Artist: Jim Rider
Flame Artist(s): Julie Mai, Udi Edni, Ricky Weissman
VFX Producer: Karen Bianca Bisignano

Editor: Avi Oron
Editorial Company: Bikini Editorial
Editorial Producer: Gina Pagano

Telecine: The Mill

Musical Artist: Jennifer Terran
Song: Que Sera Sera

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