Honda Jazz Australia - London - (2008) :30 (Australia)

Jazz moves in to london - "I was made for this town!"

"The challenge with this new incarnation was to deliver the story in a more dynamic, contemporary style, yet keep all of the charm, fun and humour of the original", said DRAFTFCB Creative Director, Scott Lambert. The fully integrated campaign sees the all-new Jazz in magazines, on street furniture, in point of sale and brochures at dealerships and with her own Microsite featuring her own online magazine. See also for the cars "casting session".


Scott Lambert : Creative Director
Mat Garbutt, Mick Bakos, Scott Lambert, Evan Roberts : Art Director
Mat Garbutt, Mick Bakos, Scott Lambert, Evan Roberts : Copywriter
Karina Wright : Agency Producer
Director : Glenn Melenhorst
Production Company : Iloura, Melbourne
Animation/VFX Studio - Iloura
Producer/VFX Supervisor - Julian Dimsey
Creative Director Animation - Glenn Melenhorst
Lead Animator - Nick Tripodi
Flame Compositor - Kim Fogelberg
Sound Mix - Risk Sound
Engineer - Paul Baxter
Producer - Kath Momsen
Original Music Score - Adelphoi Music Ltd UK
Music Producer - Greg Moore
Composers - Jamie Masters & Stephen Patman
Vocalist - Jo Coombes

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