Honoring "Cog" with dominoes.

The IPA has announced its contribution to the World Creative Forum, part of London's Design Festival. As the theme this year is creativity, Wieden + Kennedy have decided to interpret the sequence from Honda's "Cog" commercial with a 14,000 domino toppling event at Selfridges Department Store. For the week of the festival (September 22-26), Robin Weijers will be putting on the show at 1pm and 6pm daily.

Said Weijers: "For me and my creative team, re-enacting the ‘Cog’ commercial is a fabulous challenge and I couldn't resist Wieden + Kennedy's offer. As world record holders in domino toppling, we believe that creating chain reactions is an art form in itself, so ‘Cog’ really captured our imagination. It must be one of the most difficult interpretations of a chain reaction I've seen for a long time - it's a perfect combination of being visually very stimulating and mind-boggling in its inventiveness. We also know from our professional experience how hard it is to realize such a long chain reaction in one part! So it fits the bill perfectly and I am looking forward to presenting our interpretation."

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