Interstate Batteries - Pinball - (2009) :30 (USA)

Anonymous Content Director Patrick Sherman helms the first new TV creative for Interstate Batteries since 2007. Sherman collaborated with agency Firehouse to develop the spots, which each feature a hapless driver stranded in a frustrating predicament due to a dead car battery.

Pin Ball opens on a pair of 20-something roommates - Jack and Eddie - looking down at the hilly, snow- and ice-covered street from their apartment balcony. Jake spots a car as it slides down the street and caroms off a parked car. Both the guys find this humorous until Eddie realizes his own car is parked at the bottom of the street right in harm's way. He bolts from his apartment, slipping and sliding in his stocking feet, racing to get to his car in time to move it - which he does! Unfortunately, Eddie then has his own "shoulda had an Interstate" moment.

Client: Interstate Batteries
Spots Title: Pin Ball, Tight Fit
Air Date: November 2009
Agency: Firehouse
Partner/ECD: Tripp Westbrook
ACD/AD: Everett Wilder
ACD/Copywriter: Jason Fox
EP: Dee Anne Bostic
Prod Company: Anonymous Content
Director: Patrick Sherman
EP/Head of Commercials: Dave Morrison
Head of Production: Sue Ellen Clair
Producer: Paul Ure
Editorial/Effects: Radium
ECD: Dale Carman
Lead VFX Artist: Kevin Althans
Editor: Peter Tarter
EP: Gary Banks
Producer: Samantha Daniel
VFX: Radium
Sound Design: Juniper Music

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