Link Lust to Lists of Best and Worst Ads 2005

So after the hangover(s) have passed, and after the hours of creating our own lists here for the 2005 ad news roundup, bestest and mostest lists, and best ads of 2005 and worst ads of 2005, along with the lists of what you voted best and worst, we figured it'd be interesting to take a spin around the net to see what other kinds of lists were out there and what others thought to be good and bad in 2005.

I have to say I was somewhat surprised at the lack of lists out there this year. Seems like there were many more last year.

BBC Magazine

ThirdWay- Effective ads of 2005

Wall St. Journal's list of best and worst

NZ best and worst ads

Best and worst car commercials of 2005

CNN/Money's list

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