Magistral - Snowman Love Story - (2010) :60

Grey Argentina and Rebolucion tell the sweetest love story between snow men. Sweeet, but tragic.... and hey all of this could have been prevented if he just had known about the cold water.. or, like David Kiefaber puts it over at Adfreak, "Forgive me, but examining this ad's internal logic is the only thing keeping me from sobbing like a child on repeat viewings."

Agency: Grey Argentina
Production Company: Rebolucion, Buenos Aires
Director: Andres Salmoyragui

Daniel Fierro (Creative Director)
Hernan Kritzer, Tomy Duhalde, Matias Aguilu, Lisandro Cardozo, Rodrigo Greco (Art Director)
Marcelo Dovidio (Producer)
Negro Ibanez, Topo Barrios (Agency Producer)

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