New print work from McCann Erickson (2007) Press (Belgium)

McCann Erickson Belgium's recent work for Opel and Vrienden van het Bordet Instituut / Les Amis de l’Institut Bordet.

Copy on the pool ad: There are some things you shouldn't do in public. From January 1st 2007, soking in restaurants is prohibited.

Client: Opel
Contacts: Sofie Pepermans
Agency: McCann-Erickson
Account Director: Geert Keyaerts
Account Manager: David Driesmans
CD: Jean-Luc Walraff
Creative: Kwint De Meyer, Marleen Galle
Photographer: Evert Thiry
Retouching: caouchou
Media: press

Client: Vrienden van het Bordet Instituut / Les Amis de l’Institut Bordet
Contacts: Ariane Cambier
Agency: McCann-Erickson
Account Manager: Perrine Madrenas
CD: Jean-Luc Walraff
AD: Kwint De Meyer, Marleen Galle
Copy: Marleen Galle, Kwint De Meyer, Gregory Defay.
Photographer: Yann Arthus Bertrand
Graphic designer: Jean-Christophe Bouchat
Media: press

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