US firm creates 'Comical Ali' doll

A US toy company Hero Builders has produced dolls based on Mohammed Saeed al-Sahhaf, Iraq's former information minister.

In a sarcastic tribute to what US-based Hero Builders calls Mr al-Sahhaf's "one-man battle against the observable facts", they have produced 12-inch-tall action figures in his image.

The "Iraqi Dis-Information Minister" doll comes also in a talking version that parrots phrases such as "There are no American infidels in Baghdad. Never!" and "Our initial assessment is that they will all die."
Among other patriotic offerings, Hero Builders also produces the "Saddam Insane", the "Babbling Osama" and the "Dirty Terrorist".

It also sells pink dresses and bondage outfits, which it says can be used to demean its villainous dolls. (hmmmm....... or encourage transvestism in little boys? read it as you may).

Other companies that jumped the gun to cash in on the war - such as Sony have this week admitted to a lapse of judgement when they tried to trademark the phrase "shock and awe" reported Thursday, April 10.

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