Online portfolio woes: Radostar (and Adland) to the rescue

Need to increase your creative web presence? Got an awesome portfolio somewhere that nobody is linking to? Want your name to rank higher in search engines? That last part is trickier.

We can fix that. I've tried Radostar out. The only thing I've uploaded so far is my cosmonaut mural, my painting of Yuri Gagarin that can already be seen on my website, just to test out the features of the site. It was easy to do, but what's more I saw that Radostar reigned the search engine results on "cosmonaut", "dabitch" and my full name immediately after upload. In short, if you want to be found this is not a bad idea.

Another neat trick to teach the search engines that you're cool is simply to upload your ads here as well. Adgrunts like the Perlorian brothers are fifth hit on google, while David Edwards is fighting his way up the search results by dispensing new ads on a regular basis. Your profile page can lead people to your linkedin page, your Radostar page/ portfolio page or wherever else people may find more information about you. (Don't forget you can embed your films uploaded here in your portfolio pages elsewhere)

If you don't have a portfolio at all, I've already mentioned the easy to use Carbonmade, and I still think that its a nice easy way to get some work up on the web (without knowing a lick of html). Takes all of ten minutes to set up a portfolio without breaking a sweat. Go on. Start building your online creative rep.

src="">mentioned the easy to use Carbonmade, and I still think that its a nice easy way to get some work up on the web (without knowing a lick of html). Takes all of ten minutes to set up a portfolio without breaking a sweat. Go on. Start building your online creative rep.

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Anonymous Adgrunt's picture
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