piece for peace!

Ande Foster conceived the idea of peaceflow together with Obewong. The idea spread and brewed among Australian digital artists - do a piece for peace. They need work submitted before January 2002 - so go there a.s.a.p!

"We're looking for artists who want to produce digital works for a site called Peaceflow.

The idea is to put up anything that may create a feeling of peace, or work on any level
that raises peace consciousness and tolerance." says Ande.

"we've posted a notice while the site itself is under construction at https://www.peaceflow.org, there is more information there."

January 2002 is the deadline - so get at it, people. Ande Foster is a producer at Soundhive - creative sound for cyberspace as his dayjob, peacemaker at night.

Have a look and please participate.

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Anonymous Adgrunt's picture
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