Smirnoff - The Madras (1972) printad (USA)

The Madras.
(How to do what we couldn't)

People who mean well are always advising us to mix Smirnoff with something it ought to mix with but doesn't.
We've got a whole list of promising possibilities that always turn out yukky. Cranberry juice used to be in the number one spot. Then an interested bystander combined it with orange juice and Smirnoff and invented a good drink called the Madras.
We hope it was just beginner's luck. Because we'd hate to be shown up twice.

Smirnoff leaves you breathless'

To make a Madras Pour 1/2 ozs. Smirnoff, 3 ozs. of cranberry juice and 1.1/2 ozs. of orange juice into a glass of ice and stir.

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